Children’s Faith Formation involves trained parish catechists partnering with parents as they teach their children to know and love God and their Catholic Faith.

For us as a Catholic Church,  both religious education and teaching  Christian doctrine are significant tools in the faith formation process, yet we do not limit good faith formation simply to providing information on Church teaching for your child to learn.

Christian life is a relationship with God; the God who is infinite divine love, revealed to us in Jesus Christ and who lives among us in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We, the Church,  want every child to grow in the truth that each human person in the world is good and infinitely loved by God, including your child. Each one of us, including you and your child/ren, is called to respond to God’s gracious love by loving God in return and by loving our neighbor as ourselves.

While we share with the children of our parish the fundamentals of what we learn from the revealed Word of God, the tradition of the Church, and our life together in a community of faith, we also seek to help children to grow in a personal and a communal relationship with God.

We believe that all life is sacred and faith gives human life its meaning. With an emphasis on loving knowledge of Jesus Christ and on becoming active disciples of Jesus Christ, children learn about their faith along with their peers in the St. Junipero Serra parish community.

Our goal here is to offer your child the best religious education and faith formation opportunities as possible. We want your child/ren to understand the Catholic faith and to foster a close, loving relationship with Jesus Christ. We will do this through prayer, study, song, service, liturgical practices, and activities.

Registering a child for Children’s Faith Formation commits your child, you, and your family to

  • Participating fully and actively in the celebration of Sunday Eucharist in the parish every Sunday
  • Attending and participating in each scheduled Faith Formation Class
  •  Encouraging your child/ren in the Faith Formation journey

We are here to help you answer all of your family’s questions about what we believe and how we live what we believe in the love of the Lord.

Please contact Ms. Renée Casadonte at

OR call the parish office at 732-793-0041